Tag Archive 'women-in-film'


Dreams of Frances: A love letter to Greta Gerwig and her portrayal of the female identity

Camila Grimaldi, Editorial Staff Writer The world is starved for complex female characters. We have been treated to countless supporting roles: love interests, sex icons, and sidekicks. Rarely do we see a female protagonist who is strong-willed and proactive, or someone who channels our insecurities and flaws onto the big screen. I believed there was […]


Rachel Morrison: Oscars-Bound for Mudbound

Emma Levine, Editorial Staff Writer For the first time in the Oscars’ 90 years, a female cinematographer’s work behind the camera is in the spotlight. In an awards season focused on equality and fair treatment in the entertainment industry, Rachel Morrison’s Oscar nomination for her work on director Dee Rees’s Mudbound stands out: she is […]


Docs-in-the-Works dazzles and educates next generation of documentary filmmakers

By Jenny Levine. Considered by many to be the most exciting part of the festival, this year’s Docs-in-the-Works competition was undoubtedly thrilling for those who attended. Trailers cut by undergraduate Film and TV major Thelma Boyiri and graduate students Caitlin Stickles and Giuliana Monteiro Pinheiro were pitched and presented in front of five captains of […]


Iyabo Boyd: From Here To There

By Juliana Botelho, Fusion Alumni Relations.   Iyabo Boyd (TSOA ‘2006) is a trailblazer in every sense of the word. A founding member of Fusion Film Festival and Co-Director of the organization for two years, Boyd is an accomplished film producer, director, writer, and founder of the consulting company, Feedback Loop. On November 17th, 2016, […]


Hannah Weddle: From Here To There

By Priya Khanolkar, Fusion Alumni Relations. Hannah Weddle (TSOA, 2010) was part of a revolutionary time for Fusion. In 2009, when social media and cell phones were gaining traction, Hannah became the Director of Technology for the Fusion Film Festival. Since this was the first year the department was instilled, Weddle was Fusion’s first webmaster. […]