The Magnificent Mermaid Hunters of the West Indies written by Sidney Nycolle Butler
A Tale of Two Cities written by Caroline Roosje
Ni Aqui Ni Alla directed by Gabriela Bortolamedi
Owl & Mouse directed by Emma Noble
Without Fire directed by Eliza McNitt
Without Fire cinematography by Hunter Baker
Hypebeasts directed by Jessica dela Merced
Bird Dog written by Kathryn (Katrina) Whalen
Butterfly Children written by Melanie Schiele
Simply Remember directed by D.K. Dennison
Last Night directed by Teresa Lee & John Trowbridge
Frank-Étienne vers la Béatitude directed by Constance Meyer
Frank-Étienne vers la Béatitude cinematography by Federico Cesca
Sort directed by Katelyn Rebelo
Thanks for joining us at Fusion 2014 with record-breaking numbers from across NYU and the larger film, TV, and new media community attending our four-day festival!